Hey everyone!
I'm back from the dead! Been really busy these days with lots of assignments.
Most of which I still can't post here.
I'll post this sketch of an Elf I did a while ago.
Expect some new stuff coming soon. See ya!
Hi! I'm here to announce that I had an illustration selected for inclusion on "EXOTIQUE 5: THE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL CG CHARACTERS" from Ballistic Publishing! It will be published next October and I'm trully honoured to be part of this prestigious annual since the selection process is so hard. Hope you like when you see it!
Prezados amigos, terá início no dia 19 de Setembro o curso de Pós Graduação em Arte 3D para Jogos Digitais. O quadro de professores conta com profissionais de primeira linha, atuantes no mercado de jogos no Brasil e no exterior.
O curso é voltado para graduados em diversas áreas que desejam atuar no mercado de Games como produtores de arte digital 3D.
Palestra inaugural: dia 19 de Setembro.
Maiores informações no link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rio-De-Janeiro-Brazil/Pos-Graduacao-em-Arte-3D-para-Jogos-Digitais/208363880430
Hi! This week's concept is a Bromide. Here's a bit of the description: "This is a humanoid 'civilized' race.. They come in various 'weights', but tend to be tall, thin and agile. While not a very aggressive society, they have developed weapons and a intricate form of martial arms that utilizes their natural weapons. The Bromide race should be a plant based, or plant influenced race."
Well, a lot went on this. I imagined his past story and created the basic shapes as follows: The spiritual fire on top of their heads begins short after birth. At first pale orange, it grows redder as the Bromide grows. As adults, they don't show any signs of old age, except for the fire becoming paler and finally extinguishing itself on death. They age much slower than humans and they lifespan exceeds our on many decades. The natural weapon they posses are the powerful tendrils coming from the back of their arms (sharing the triceps tendon) and they use it to many tasks, including battle, and grabbing, much like spider monkey's prehensile tail. I had a great time doing this one. Hope you enjoy!